sap readiness check custom code analysis

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STEP 4: Apply Note 2310438 – SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA – Managed System. The SQL Monitor (ABAP SQL Monitor – Implementation Guide and Best Practices) allows you to get performance data for all SQL statements executed in your productive system. Text des Gesetz ber die friedliche Verwendung der Kernenergie und den Schutz gegen ihre Gefahren (Atomgesetz), Stand: 30.09.2012. you mention note 2436688 but there seems to be something wrong with it: This is what I get when I try to access it: I've just checked the link to the note: it works. See also Remote Code Analysis in ATC – Technical Setup step by step for setup guidance. In fact, S/4 HANA Readiness Checks via RFC can be done without using ATC like this video. I guess we can always do a data check as a bonus. Therefore, you need to check your SQL SELECTs without ORDER BY statement if they are still correct. Purpose. In the 7.50 release you got this list by executing Custom Code Analyzer, in 7.51 you get it just by executing ATC. Unfortunately we are stuck in manually activity required by note 2587593 - ATC: Checkability of Modifications and Enhancements in Remote Checks - Developer Scenario. Is it the correct understanding about deleting the un-used custom objects via SUM tool? And everwhere in this case , i can see the Fiori app is trying to access the data through RFC connection to the source system (ERP). If you click it, you get a list of the packages and will see from "Scope Information" if the package (or some its objects are in/not in scope. This app is intended for the custom code analysis during the SAP S/4HANA conversion, meaning the usage of the app begins when the first SAP S/4HANA sandbox system is available in the customer landscape for the conversion. SQL, CDS, BOPF, OData), Fix SAP HANA ATC findings (e.g. So I created a run with "Check Variant": S4HANA_READINESS_REMOTE Local ATC checks for S/4HANA readiness make sense on the converted S/4HANA system if you want to adapt custom code. Could you please provide any documents available for ECC to S4 HANA migration /Conversion ? or access to some transaction like SE91 (this is for MASG message class object...). Will it will also convert custom cluster/pool tables to transparent tables? Are there any issues with such an approach, or anyting we need to be aware off before actually moving in that direction? But in your description the ATC is the tool of choice. Recommendation: Reset as many objects as possible to SAP standard. The custom code maintainability check evaluates the quality of your custom development project with regard to future upgradeability and maintainability. The SAP Enterprise Support Setup Service works like a welcome session to familiarize you with the SAP Enterprise Support offerings that help you more effectively manage the software cycle. SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA’s custom code analysis identifies mandatory change areas due to the simplified application architecture of SAP S/4HANA. Is it current recommendation to do not generate the Custom Code Migration Worklist and only perform checks with the ATC? SAP S/4HANA Readiness Check – Schaffen Sie Transparenz über Ihren CUSTOM CODE. It requires the following system information: For the custom code analysis: Managed system and its client that you want to analyze. Many people continue to use the old programs and the various developments that have been made 20 years ago, as long as they can. Thank you very much, you cleared our way. In manual step, it told me to create function group SABP_COMP_PROCS_E in different package. Read also above in the blog: NOTE: If you collected usage data in the SAP Solution Manager, then the App detects whether it is a SAP Solution Manager system behind the RFC destination for the usage data. If you collected usage data in your ERP production system, use there the SUSG transaction to create a snapshot of the usage data. You need at least 1 year to collect the data about your productively used custom code with the SCMON to detect and clean up the unused custom code before the SAP S/4HANA conversion. If you have not yet started implementing the prerequisites, please refer to SAP Note 2758146 for Readiness Check 2.0. The SAP Fiori Custom Code Migration App runs on SAP BTP ABAP Environment and performs SAP S/4HANA and cloud readiness checks on your custom code, displaying the results with … Setup of one "SAP_BASIS only" ABAP system is not so much overhead. For context: We are on S/4HANA 1909 now and unfortunately didn't use the custom code app for scoping and migrating our custom code. We are making a Greenfield implementation of S/4 HANA 1709 and then manually whole set of legacy from ECC7.4 to Hana.                                                                     New UI in SPAU. for example KNOV is replaced by PRCD_ELEMENTS and some changes to VBFA table fields. It is possible to get the same finding several times per object. Custom code analysis does not contain a list of all adaptations necessary to support SAP HANA as a database. Suggested Solution. In sap help: SAP S/4HANA Conversion steps it was mentioned (before 7.51) to generate the Custom Code Migration Worklist for code analysis in addition to the ATC or SCI anaylis. I wanted to ask if there was any statistics on the use of new HANA tools in companies. This obviously resulted in every custom object being ported to the new S4 system. In addition, the analysis does not include general prerequisite adaptations for SAP HANA database migration. Custom Code Analyse; Add-On Kompatibilität; Empfohlene Fiori Apps; Daten-Management; mehr erfahren. Since we have already got the s4hana licensing done and we are moving ahead with s4 hana migration, do you think there will be additional costs for a new box( In case we do not pursue sandbox conversion approach). SAP recommends to perform a custom code migration for S/4HANA 2020, and I am unclear about the minimum release version of the central ATC system. Denn mit SAP S/4HANA steuern Sie Ihr Unternehmen nicht nur in Echtzeit, sondern optimieren und digitalisieren zugleich auch Ihre Geschäftsprozesse. Maintenance Planner, impact on add-ons and business functions 6. Have you tried to follow the SAP notes linked to the corresponding ATC findings? Description - SAP Basis Component Custom code preparation SAP S/4HANA Readiness Check A holistic system analysis is the foundation for further planning steps toward a successful and smooth SAP S/4HANA system transition. The SolMan decomissioning cockpit should be used for elimination of unused custom code during normal operation (not at upgrades). In that way I was trying to asking about how to feed the childrens . AddOn AGwww.addon.deDas Thema 𝗦𝗔𝗣 𝗦/𝟰𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗔 stellt viele Unternehmen, die SAP-Produkte nutzen, vor große Fragezeichen. Using remote ABAP Test Cockpit infrastructure SAP customers and partners can analyze custom code in older systems using the latest ABAP Test Cockpit checks and only one central system for ABAP Test Cockpit (see blog series about Remote Code Analysis in ATC ). my understanding is, that you should use the transaction SE91 to create the message object. Leistungen. The user guide for S/4 HANA Readiness Check states "For a deep-dive analysis of your custom code and an evaluation of necessary adjustment information, please use the ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC)". -Analyze the Simplification Database. we have an S4 converted system but the Readiness Check variant is not in the system, so how do we manage the code changes and know that they are complete? For this undergone couple of notes like 2190420/2241080/2364916 etc and couple of links - or a discussion thread in Answers. Did you check whether the findings refer to different source code locations? But we are working on it. The advantage of the SCMON compared to the UPL is that using this tool you not only collect the usage data (how often a specific ABAP object was called), but also the information about the calling business process. Or does it need to be collected from backend system..? yes, you can upload SCMON or UPL data from Solman to the Custom Code Migration app. After you defined the scope of your Custom Code Migration Project, you can create a transport request in your ERP system, which contains all information about your unused custom code (all objects that are not in scope). If you have already set up an SAP S/4HANA 2020 sandbox system, this system can also be used for the Management Reports sind eine wichtige Entscheidungsgrundlage. So is there any alternative like in case of ACT NW7.51 or Higher where you suggested that we can do export/import by selecting variant: "extract based" in your old blog ( Especially when moving the very old system to SAP S/4HANA many modifications and enhancements can be removed or set to SAP standard. yes, you need to upload the Simplification DB (the S/4 system doesn't contain it initially). The SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA , the SAP ABAP custom code analysis , as well as the simplification item checks are based on the information in the simplification items. SAP Readiness Check is currently based on Custom Code Analyzer (SYCM) not on ATC. We have just executed the ATC run and right now we are analyzing the results provided. For more details on this custom code analysis option see the blog: After you did the system conversion to SAP S/4HANA with Software Update Manager (SUM) (you don’t need first to migrate the database to SAP HANA and then update the software to the SAP S/4HANA, the SUM does it in one step) we recommend to run ATC with SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA checks. The source system (7.02) has SCMON running and I have implemented SUSG and created a snapshot successfully. we also plan to have the Fiori App available in SAP Cloud Platform. Am I right? Could you put a light how these objects have to be handled. As I understand it, the custom code app is best suited for scoping and possibly deleting code via SUM while performing an S4 upgrade and decomissioning cockpit is for deactivating and deleting objects between two upgrades. SAP Readiness Check. Can you please help me in process how to adapt the existing custom code repository, how to run ATC checks Remotely !! create a transport of copies per custom code package., SAP S/4HANA System Conversion – Custom code adaptation process, ABAP custom code analysis using SAP Business Technology Platform, Remote Code Analysis in ATC – Technical Setup step by step, specific implementation and configuration information on SAP Fiori App Custom Code Migration, ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON) – Analyze usage of your code. If it is a development system, connected to a central ATC system, then please ensure, that all technical requirements of the are fulfilled and the SAP Notes are applied. ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) provide the NEW data modelling infrastructure for building semantically rich data models in ABAP. Therefore, findings of SAP S/4HANA checks refer to a SAP Note which describes how you can solve them. There is currently a warning related to 'Could not determine state: GET_LOG_STATUS not installed' in SUSG for which I have requested Basis look into via note 2681069 - /SDF/SCMON extended status check API. See for details Semi-automatic custom code adaptation after SAP S/4HANA system conversion. I'd nonetheless like to get a better handle on things even before then. SAP Readiness Check, eine kostenlose, Fiori-basierte Webapplikation der SAP, die eine schnelle und ganzheitliche Analyse Ihres Bestandssystems ermöglicht und damit die Erarbeitung einer Transformationsempfehlung unterstützt; das Ergebnis reichern wir mit kundenspezifischen Empfehlungen und Einschätzungen der consenso-Berater an; Fiori-Applikation Custom Code Migration oder … 2436688 – Recommended SAP Notes for using S/4HANA custom code checks in ATC. What can you do today to prepare your custom code for SAP S/4HANA,, More details in the blog series Remote Code Analysis in ATC. If you like to use the Excel Template for importing interface information into Integration Repository, Solution Manager on SP05 or higher is required. The tool for HANA checks is ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC) with Remote Code Analysis. This We are undergoing SAP S4HANA 1709 Implementation FP02 for our client. I tried to follow the notes , I could not find any Update/Delete related factory class methods on MARC and MARA. but will not actually fix the code. thank you for your recommendation. If the above understanding is correct then isnt it an additional overhead? Well I know what is CDS, but I was trying to tell you that we live in companies where they still believe in witches and daughters, in a country where they still pray the saints, they believe in good and bad luck, and they touch iron,  and everything that comes as "the NEW ", what appears new, is hard to be accepted. This blog will explain how to run detailed analysis on your custom code as preparation for S4HANA upgrade. Access simplification Items via the simplification item Catalog: Hi, and thanks for writing all the great articles for us! Within this area I'm struggeling a bit with the S/4 HANA Readiness Check and the Custom Code Analysis described within this (very well described) blog. How do we get those Artefacts into the new System ? Thanks for updating us about custom code adaptation process with example and analysis options. We'd be very interested in such an option as well! now for an example all this Checking process is happen in central system( assume SandBox system).we are identified the source code scope and created a deletion TR. Can you plz suggest how custom tables (transparent, cluster & pool) will be handled during conversion process. To help with the planning, we are thinking about using the ATC S/4HANA readiness checks just to get a rough idea how much of our custom code will be impacted. We are in the process of performing S/4HANA Conversion and have identified a list of un-used custom objects. I checked again, still, it doesn’t work for me! In addition, this app supports you with identifying unused custom code based on your collected usage data. currently we do not have an SCP account. seems to contradict with Olga's reply upthread to my question way back in 2019 where she stated that "there is no system conversion path from NW AS ABAP 7.52 to S/4HANA 1809. Semi-automatic custom code adaptation after SAP S/4HANA system conversion. If you have already implemented this SAP Note, deimplement this SAP Note and then follow SAP Note 2758146 to prepare and run SAP Readiness Check 2.0 for SAP S/4HANA. SAP Readiness Check custom code analysis identifies mandatory change areas due to the simplified application architecture of SAP S/4HANA. steps) if Target version is S/4HANA 1809 only How we can transport the custom codes, will it create a TR or can it be done via export/import method as well. This blog is for the detailed steps for Readiness Check (RC) 2.0 for step t2 of conversion to S/4HANA.Readiness Check is an optional step and is a high level analysis to get a Results Dashboard and also download to a Results Document with details of Active Business Functions, Add-On Compatibility, Custom Code Analysis, Recommended Fiori Apps, S/4HANA Sizing, Simplification … Lastly, the analysis does not … In addition, the analysis does not include general prerequisite adaptations for SAP HANA database migration. Technically the SAP Readiness Check is based on the SYCM tool, not ATC. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine fundierte Einführung in die Funktionen, die Anwendung und das Customizing der Produktionsplanung mit SAP APO-PP/DS. The baselines and configurations of the central ATC check system will remain after upgrading this hub system. But don't you think that setting up a complete SAP S/4HANA system is a bit overdone and a waste of resources? The simplification items are identified according to factors such as transactions used, customizing, and table contents. I can just recommend to setup remote ATC checks for S/4HANA readiness asap and execute them on regular base during development for newly developed or changed custom code in an ERP system. Will be available with the next major version of ATC. Use SAP documentation on SAP Help Portal for. Starting with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.52 there are special pseudo comments to suppress false-positive findings for simplification items incl. "Selection contains restricted packages e.g. Beyond this pool/cluster tables were removed with SAP HANA, therefore the database operations on these tables also need to be removed from your custom ABAP code. yes, exactly, the newly converted SAP S/4HANA 1909 sandbox is ideal for the central ATC analysis with Custom Code Migration app. The App will create a deletion transport in order to enable deletion of unused ABAP custom code during the system conversion to SAP S/4HANA. it looks like the SNC must be activated on your backend system in order to establish the connection. At a guess, there'll come a time, when it just no longer makes much sense to create new Z-tables and Z-programs to fulfill change reqeusts. Just one more query, So, transport of copies (TOC) is the recommended approach in case of isolated systems to display the data in Fiori App for better analysis, Right? and include the same TR in SUM during DEV S/4 HANA Conversion? You need to analyze and rewrite these portions of custom code as well. The custom code analysis is one of the first steps in a transition project of Business Suite to S/4HANA. Custom Code Analysis. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor your system landscape for a longer period of time in order to do some housekeeping and eliminate the code, which is not used anymore within your productive business applications. Using the visual predefined filters above you can group your ATC findings to get a quick overview on for example: From the App you can drill-down to ATC results and display affected source code of your ERP system directly in the browser. This is an endemic question. You can navigate to the source code location of a finding in the app. The Remote Code Analysis with ATC is new and available since October 2016 with AS ABAP 7.51. OData, Analytics, search, transaction, etc…). Therefore some previous SAP Notes and guides relate to Code Inspector and need to be updated subsequently. I have a question that only comes in part. Is this correct? Custom Code Migration from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA. Btw, regarding the separaton of the topics “SAP HANA migration” and “SAP S/4HANA migration” we have also separte central blogs about the custom code handling process: HANA Migration:, SAP S/4HANA Migration: But, how early before the start of a conversion project should this start to be "enforced" whenever possible? SAP Technology YouTube channel: Considering SAP S/4HANA system conversion (more on this in SAP S/4HANA System Conversion – At a glance) we focus in this blog on the custom code related process, which consists basically of two major phases. But: the other objects, which access these tables, will not be removed from the scope, since they may be used in other custom code. Given our scenario, could it make sense - and be feasible - for us to convert our NW 7.52 central ATC system to S/HANA 1809 in the near future to help with the planning and to then be able to use the Fiori app while still using the system for the "normal" checks as we do now? Apply the note that corresponds to your S/4HANA target version: 2659194 - Check variant for SAP S/4HANA 1809 custom code checks (with manual post imp. Example of the screen to upload the analysis … Any thoughts? we are using a Central ATC System with NW AS ABAP 7.52 SP0004. In unit four, we will look into custom code checks 00:03:02 and the evaluation of results. In addition to that when we manually tag such Tables as 'Out of Scope', will CCM also add the other dependent objects on the Table (such as Programs/ Classes using the Table) as Out of Scope? With SAP S/4HANA 1809, we offer the SAP Fiori Custom Code Migration App based on this remote ABAP Test Cockpit infrastructure. after you execute ATC checks, you will get the worklist of ATC findings, which you need to fix in your custom code to get it adapted to S/4HANA. So the behavior is correct. Lernen Sie, wie Sie Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen zusammenführen, kombinieren, transformieren und analysieren. mit über 200 Übungsaufgaben einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für den schnellen Erfolg inkl. Übungsdateien zum ... Semiautomatic adaptation with new Quick Fixes in ADT reduces your custom-code adaptation efforts. We have SAP S/4HANA 1809 system set up as a central ATC check system. If the ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC) was executed in an SAP NetWeaver 7.52 system, SAP Readiness Check estimates the portion of findings that potentially have Quick Fix support. Der Google-Insider und Web-Analytics-Experte Brian Clifton zeigt ausführlich, wie Sie Google Analytics gezielt und effektiv einsetzen.                                                            SQL Monitor. Can you please let us know if obsolete objects are deleted from system using custom code  migration fiori app. (FUNC BAPI_ALM_ORDERHEAD_GET_LIST, see Note(s):0002438131). This is because the "Scoped Objects"(= objects which will be taken over to SAP S/4HANA) are calculated based on your SUSG snapshots from ERP1 and ERP2. Thank in advance! Mit der Umstellung auf S/4HANA werden in einigen Modulen grundlegende Änderungen an den Datenstrukturen und Funktionen vorgenommen. This training will be delivered in a part time approach. Such tables will be called in the following as replaced aggregation tables. Is there a way to add this object manually? But you can also still use the ATC central check system on SAP NetWeaver 7.52. it always a good idea to fix as much as possible in the ERP before S/4 conversion if you have time and resources for such an exercise. are these tools also available even in S/4 HANA cloud? Edit: Oh, there is a message saying it’s not released, it’s just hidden deep down: [Yet another Edit]: As suggested by the SNOTE-message, I now opened an Incident (200273 / 2017).Â, OK, it's there now! In our case we already has a 7.52 system as a central check and we set up the ATC in the S/4HANA system as local for the custom code adaptations. regarding custom code analysis is SAP Readiness Check suitable if you are in the planning phase of SAP S/4HANA conversion in order to get the overview about the upcoming efforts. But you are right: the use cases are to some extent identical, meaning, if prior to upgrade you used SolMan decomissioning cockpit and eliminated the unused code from the system beforehand, you wouldn't probably need to capture it in CCM app during upgrade anymore. After the preliminary analysis with the external SAP Readiness Check, a detailed analysis is then carried out in the SAP ® customer system. the App analyzes always all objects in the system, but as you can see the "Scoped Objects" numbers are different and smaller as the overall number of  objects. transport release will keep happening from that central ATC-system. With the error: "Modifications cannot be checked in S4H (see long text) 2": I've found that this is the message SATC_CI_CFG006 and the procedure for the solution is: "Verify the used stub version in the target system (see note )". this SAP Note is still in process at SAP. Go to the Analysis tab and click on the “Analyze Findings” button: Using the visual filters above you can group your ATC findings to get information on for example: Use the Export to Spreadsheet  button in the Findings table to download the analysis results: You can download the check results with purpose to upload them later on to SAP Readiness Check 2.0. do you mean the upgrade from S/4HANA 1909 to S/4HANA 2020? Current version of ECC is given below Die SAP unterstützt ihre Kunden mit unterschiedlichen Werkzeugen bei der Planung eines Systemwechsels von einem bestehenden SAP ERP 6.x System …

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sap readiness check custom code analysis
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