zeiss touit 12mm fuji gebraucht
Additionally, messing with the Upright mode in Lightroom 5 totally messes with the image in ways that make it not even usable. Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 (Sony E-Mount) http://amzn.to/2aoBEyEZeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 (Fuji X-Mount) http://amzn.to/2abOnTtGEAR I LIKE:SONY STUFF:Sony a6000 htt. It's available in two versions for either the Sony NEX or Fujifilm X-mounts, and when fitted to either system, the lens delivers an 18mm equivalent field of view, making it the widest prime lens available for either format. The lens for Fujifilm has an aperture ring but the lenses for Sony donât. Being an 18mm equivalent, the Zeiss Touit 12mm F2.8 is currently the widest autofocus lens that you can buy for your Fuji X Series camera. Though the 35mm f1.4 isn’t a comparable lens at all, note that Fujifilm has done lots of firmware updates to it to improve its speed. The Zeiss Touit 2.8/12 is an interchangeable APS-C wide-angle camera lens announced by Zeiss on September 18, 2012. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. I also like to see when photographers post photos using a style of shooting I’d like to learn from. posted Friday, May 3, 2013 at 4:03 PM . We shot a wedding with this lens, and we can highly recommend to you that you don’t place people or someone’s head near the edges lest they look like they’re being sucked into a time warp. ZEISS Camera Lenses 1: ChubbyLens 6 years ago First thoughts of owning the Touit 12mm. It was a beast of an article, and I had pushed my CMS to its breaking point, literally. Dieses coole blanko Notizbuch oder Heft zeigt das tolle Design Basketball Spieler. In my seven months of use, I've found that the Touit 12mm is razor sharp and… They’ve also done a lot to ensure that the image quality was nothing below being top notch. The Carl Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 is a wide-angle prime lens designed for mirror-less system cameras. Now that that is all out of the way, the bokeh from this lens is stunning. Like most photographers using a wide angle lens, I don’t find bokeh and subject separation to be a part of the standard workload. I wasn’t a fan of its performance in wide open spaces, but in tightly packed markets, it was able to provide some really interesting photographs that wouldn’t be possible with a longer lens. The Zeiss 12mm is similar in size to the Fuji 18-55mm zoom, though there is a flare at the top of the lens to a much wider front element. In my initial research, I narrowed in on the Fuji XF 14mm f/2.8, the Samyang 12mm f/2, and the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8. This lens is compatible with Fujifilm X mirrorless cameras and supports all camera functions, including autofocus and exposure control. Even more amazingly, I shot part of a wedding with this lens on the beach and despite how hard the wind was blowing, it suffered from no sand damage. What's more, all moving parts of the ZEISS Touit 2.8/12, conceived specifically for APS-C cameras of the Sony Alpha series with E-Mount and Fujifilm X Series, are engineered for extreme precision and a long service life. Chris Gampat is the Editor in Chief, Founder, and Publisher of the Phoblographer. The Carl Zeiss Touit Distagon 2.8/12mm T* is a new ultra wide-angle autofocus lens for Fujifilm XF and Sony NEX compact system cameras. The Zeiss 12mm f2.8 Touit lens is currently the widest autofocusing lens for the Fujifilm X series interchangeable lens camera system. the full format Zeiss T* 15mm f/2.8). I’m thinking about this model. It would be nice to have a Zeiss option in other focal lengths. Out of the camera, you won’t really notice any color fringing: we didn’t! Focal Length: 12mm APS-C / 18mm Full Frame It provides the same field of view as a 18mm lens on a Full-Frame camera. Cameras are divided into two types - full-frame and part-frame. Kit Savings: Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras - Bundle - with 67mm UV Multi-Coated Filter, Flashpoint CapKeeper Model CK-2 Lens Cap Leash, and Adorama 1836A Cleaning Kit for Optics and Cameras MFR: 2030-527 A. Für die 2. Auflage wurde der Band aktualisiert und um ein Nachwort von Siegfried J. Schmidt ergänzt. Der Inhalt Vorläufer und Bezugstheorien.- Grundlagen und Konzepte. ISO 200. The minimum focusing distance is around 7.09 inches or 18cm, which is really nice for getting shots of things close up like food. At f/2.8, the the Touit 12mm is already sharp at the center of the frame, and by f/4.0 the results are razor sharp. While it is not as fast as the Fuji XF 35mm f/1.4 R, it is comparably sharp, especially once stopped down a little. Lens Mount Zeiss Touit 2.8/50M is compatible with cameras that have Fujifilm X lens mount. About the same length, but features a . Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Zeiss 32mm f/1.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras, Black, Model: 000000-2030-679 at Amazon.com. We love to bring you guys the latest and greatest news and gear related stuff. Sony has always had a close connection with Zeiss and Fujifilm is another company that has years of experience in the photo industry, and we can’t see any reason as to why most users would not want to have this lens in their camera bag. Color: Black The struggles occur when shooting wide open at close subjects in low light. PL provides various digital photography news, reviews, articles, tips, tutorials and guides to photographers of all levels, By Nasim Mansurov 5 CommentsLast Updated On September 19, 2020. Aperture: f/2.8 – f/22 Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. The T* (T-star) coating provides. Carl Zeiss Touit Distagon T* 12mm f/2.8 Lens Review Gary Wolstenholme reviews the new Carl Zeiss Touit Distagon T* 12mm f/2.8 lens, designed for the Fuji X-Series and Sony NEX mirrorless cameras. Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 on camera, $1,250 in Sony mount and $1,250 in Fuji mount). Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. And finally, its strong and rigid metal bayonet mount makes it an absolutely dependable companion for many years to come. $798.00. To evaluate the real-life performance of the Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 lens, I shot this landscape scene at every aperture setting using a Fujifilm X-Pro1 mounted on a tripod.ÂThe Fujifilm X-Pro1 was set to 200 ISO and the lens focused on the center of the composition. Als Fitnesstraining werden freizeitsportliche Aktivit ten bezeichnet, die dazu dienen, die k rperliche Leistungsf higkeit (Fitness) und damit auch die Gesundheit verbessern oder zu erhalten. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. 12mm 2.8 Zeiss Touit. With a super wide rectilinear 99° field of view, this lens is perfect for travel, landscape, and architecture. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; At the press conference, the company stated that it was considered during the planning stage and it might come to later lenses. Landscape, architecture, and travel photography is the sweet spot for the Touit 12mm f/2.8, and is the category I use this lens for most often. I'd like to own both, but since I could only afford one I chose the wider lens. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 is a well built metal lens that has the same high quality and durable build of my Fuji lenses. In this review, we will take a closer look at the Zeiss Touit 2.8/12 and see how it compares to other Fujifilm X lenses. C $1,241.84. I’ve loved shooting with both, but the Touit 12mm has been my preferred wide angle option for most outings. Affording an especially broad, 18mm equivalent field of view, the FUJIFILM X-mount Touit 12mm f/2.8 from ZEISS is a prime wide-angle lens well-suited for landscape, architecture, and interior shooting. This is one heck of a sharp lens. Zeiss has made it clear that they are not working with Cosina on this one. The Touit lens offers a combination of a wide field of view in APS-C format with stunning image performance. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 89Fujifilm X – Pro 1, Zeiss Touit 12mm, f2,8, Blende 2,8, 1,2 Sekunden (!), ISO 2500. Die perfekte Fotohütte: das Matrashaus auf dem Gipfel des Hochkönigs. Kreativer Einsatz der ISO-Einstellung Die Flexibilität der Digitalkameras ... The Distagon Floating Elements Design and the special coatings produce sharp images, rich colours and minimal distortion or aberrations edge to edge and throughout the entire focusing range. Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 review in progress. For Fuji users, it's hard to recommend the Touit over the 14mm f/2.8 unless you absolutely need the extra width offered by the Zeiss. When the hood is removed it cuts down the overall size quite a bit. The Touit 12mm provides corner to corner sharpness and relatively distortion free images which is perfect for temples, large buildings, and mountains. balanced color rendering, contrast, sharpness, and resolution on the Touit 12mm, but isn’t on the level of other Zeiss lenses like the Sony 55mm f/1.8 (review here). I own both touit 12mm/2.8 and ZA 24mm/1.8. The Carl Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 is a wide-angle prime lens designed for mirror-less system cameras. Might make for a nice addition in 2021. Als Fitnesstraining werden freizeitsportliche Aktivit ten bezeichnet, die dazu dienen, die k rperliche Leistungsf higkeit (Fitness) und damit auch die Gesundheit verbessern oder zu erhalten. Ein sehr tiefgründiges, tragisches Thema. Deshalb schrieb ich mein sechstes Buch über Suizid. C $38.24 shipping. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 has an all-metal mount. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-4061077189331202"; /* In Post Ad unit */ google_ad_slot = "3517945057"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; Read Our Sony E 10-18mm F4 OSS Review. Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 wide-angle lens is engineered for extreme precision and a long working life. Almost two years ago, I published my XF 10-24mm F4 OIS vs. Primes article, which compared the zoom to the XF 14mm F2.8, XF 18mm F2, XF 23mm F1.4, and even the Zeiss Touit 12mm F/2.8. . op het strand). I actually had to take the Touit 12mm out for a quick photoshoot to grab a few bokeh samples for the small handful of readers that will care. I almost instantly ruled out the Samyang 12mm, as I owned the Sony version (review here), and much prefer autofocus lenses for candid shots of my son and dogs. This Zeiss Touit Distagon T* 12mm f/2.8 ($1,250, street) is one of the widest-angle ILC lenses in production, capturing a field of view comparable to a full-frame 18mm. Combine that with the fact that it becomes an 18mm f3.8 due to the APS-C sized sensor, and it is even tougher. The metal body of the Touit 12mm f/2.8 comes in at 9.17oz (260g) and measures 3.46″ x 2.68″. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Zeiss Touit 32mm/1.8 normal lens (48mm full-frame equivalent) has a U.S. street price $900 and a 48 degree angle of view has 8 . The Touit 12mm f/2.8 has a metal bayonet that is just as solid and sturdy as the rest of the all metal lens. © 2014-2021 - Trailtopeak.com - All Rights Reserved. For most lenses this would be an issue, but for an ultra wide angle, I don’t really mind. With metal comprising of most of the lens’s exterior, Zeiss chose to go with rubber for the focusing and aperture ring–citing complaints that the rings would be too cold to touch in freezing weather. Comparisons aside, the Touit 12mm has gotten the job done in low light when I need it to, but it has often left me wanting something faster. The Touit 12mm focuses internally and has a faint scratching sound when acquiring focus that will be picked during quiet video scenes. BTSEphoto 8: misty butter (deleted) 7 years ago I love using my XF 35mm f2 (review here) and 50mm f/2 (review here) while traveling and have captured some amazing photos with them. The Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 was released around the same time as the Fujifilm XF 14mm f/2.8 R back in 2012 as part of a two-lens Touit lineup. As a landscape photographer that spends most of my time on hiking trails, it helps me a lot to see photographers of street, studio portraiture, real estate, etc., talking about how the quality of a lens compliments their style of shooting. As expected from Zeiss, the build quality of the Touit 12mm f/2.8 is excellent. This really shows with its autofocus performance. Review: Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 (Fujifilm X Mount). Der aus der Kunstwissenschaft entlehnte und erweiterte Begriff Kuratieren wird zu einem neuen Paradigma für Bibliotheken. Auch sie sind kuratorisch tätig, beim Sammeln, Erschließen und Präsentieren oder bei der Gestaltung von Räumen. 12mm 2.8 Zeiss Touit for Fujifilm in good condition. The Fuji XF 14mm 2.8 R came out in the beginning of the year and many positive reviews have rolled in since. This is to be expected from such a lens, and probably won’t sway anyone’s purchasing decision given the intended use of a wide angle. Please note this is not a pixel peeping analyses but just a quick take. A Touit is a bird in the parrot family and has little to do with lenses but there you have it. At the moment of publishing this review, Adobe doesn’t have a fix for it in Lightroom. Although the autofocus performance got better with time, thanks to constant Fuji X camera firmware updates, Sony folks complained about the hunting issues for a number of years. The church is a historic building that traces its history to the arrival of French missionary Father J.F. Image Stabilization: None It is a bit too loose, and I found myself often re-adjusting the aperture after taking the lens out of my bag. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 (Fuji X Mount) in the background compared to the Fuji XF18-55mm zoom in the foreground. In een zeer uitvoerig verslag met talloze voorbeeldfoto's geeft hij zijn mening over deze ultra groothoek van Zeiss voor de Fujifilm X camera's. "Autofocusing with the 12mm f2.8 Touit on the X Pro 1 was… ZEISS Camera Lenses 1: ChubbyLens 6 years ago First thoughts of owning the Touit 12mm. I’ve seen that lens pop up online, but haven’t had a chance to try it out. The downside of the build on the Touit 12mm is that it has the same bulbous front end design found on the Batis 18mm. This new edition of his Riviera Cocktail has all the fabulous and fascinating ingredients of the era: movie stars and starlets, gamblers and musicians, business magnates and faded nobility -- captured out and about on the sparkling Riviera ... The Touit 12mm f/2.8 provides a 99° field of view, and a full frame equivalent 18mm focal length. When you incorporate this lens sharpness with the way that the Fujifilm X Trans Sensor renders sharpness in images, you’ve got an extremely killer combination. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "tratopea04-20"; It uses a floating element design for consistent performance throughout the focusing range, and a DC autofocus motor for quick and quiet autofocus operation. The Distagon 12mm f/2.8 prime is the shortest focal-length currently available in the range and offers a 99-degree angle of view that provides the same coverage as an 18mm lens on a full-frame camera. Its sweet spot is around f4 or f5.6. Sadly, Zeiss has not announced any new Touit lenses for either mount since then, and it is hard to say whether it was the high price tags or the unpopularity of these lenses that led to the demise of the whole line-up. A plastic petal-shaped hood is provided. A childhood memory for my wife. Theyâre available for purchase at both B&H Photo and Amazon. 14 product ratings - Carl Zeiss Touit 12mm F2.8 Lens for Fujifilm X Ship with Tracking Number. The only side by side ive seen anywhere suggests that the samyang may actually be sharper and better in the corners. I shot in RAW mode and processed the files in Adobe Camera RAW using . At $1,250, the 12mm costs $350 more than the Fuji XF 14mm, and it's also . This is only an ounce heavier than the Fuji XF 14mm, but the bulbous front end makes it almost an inch wider on the front end. enlarge. The other lens is a 32mm f/1.8. Now that the price of the Zeiss Touit dropped to 1000$, would you prefer it over the upcoming Fuji 10-24? The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 was released together with the 32mm f/1.8 lens, while the third 50mm f/2.8 Macro came out a bit later in January of 2014. Elements/Groups: 11/8 However, if you need 12mm, then the Zeiss is your lens. Buy on BH to help support the site: Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens (Fujifilm X-Mount) Or Amazon is always a good choice: Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras Rental costs come out of my pocket, so if you want to donate to your lens buying obsession and help me rent lenses please consider donating, it is about $50 a lens to rent. To be fair, the 35mm f1.4 is a faster lens to focus than the 14mm. The Zeiss Touit 12mm F/2.8 is an ultra-wide prime designed for cameras with a APS-C (1.5X) sensor. Price: $500.00. It does a great job at reducing lens flare in daylight conditions, so I would recommend keeping it mounted at all times. Zeiss has always been a company that targets a higher end audience–so is this a lens for you? In these situations, slightly slow autofocus still beats out manual focus. When putting together a lens review, I usually just take pictures for 6-12 months and then pull favorites from my Capture One and Lightroom catalogues for each review section. I'm thinking price,IQ, size,weight. The recommended retail price of the Touit 1.8/32 will be â¬670 / US$900 (excl. My reason is simple: real world photo samples are what ultimately influence my purchasing decisions on new lenses. Comes with box, hood and rear cap. Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8. Given my use, I still prefer the autofocus of the Touit over the one stop of speed gained on the Samyang. The aperture ring moves a little too easy, and I have had a few moments where I pull it out of my bag to find that it has moved a few clicks over. Shipping instructions: USPS Priority. I'm very fond of the 32/1.8 Touit even in comparison to the 35/1.4 and 35/2 Fuji models. I’m not interested in onion rings, cat eyes, aberrations, or astigmatisms, and steer clear of technical evaluations of bokeh. In this review, I’ll be covering everything that I love about the Touit 12mm f/2.8, as well as a few things that I’ve grown to dislike. Dimensions: 3.46″ x 2.68″ The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 is not a weather sealed lens, which is something I would prefer for a lens that I use almost exclusively outdoors. In einer Sommernacht des Jahres 1941 beobachtet die 18-jährige Sofieke, wie ein Fallschirmagent in den besetzten Niederlanden landet. Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 review in progress. Zeiss Touit 12mm/2.8 wide angle lens (18mm full-frame equivalent) has a U.S. street price $1,250 and 99 degree angle of view. Zeiss announced its Touit line of lenses in April of 2013 for Fujifilm X and Sony E APS-C mounts. For years, Zeiss has been a company that puts image quality first and have been designing lenses for many years. The plastic lens hood for the XF 12mm f/2.8 is massive and provides very nice coverage and protection. Zeiss Touit 2.8/50M is an Auto Focus (AF) Standard Prime lens with APS-C / DX max sensor coverage and it is designed to be used with Fujifilm X mount cameras. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 (Fuji X Mount) in the background compared to the Fuji XF18-55mm zoom in the foreground. Most of the time I’m shooting at f/5.6-f/11, so almost everything in the frame is in focus. That’s the only way that I was able to get the detail in the shadows near the bottom of the image. Its 32mm f1.8 counterpart though did suffer from sand damage getting into the focusing ring and so it sometimes froze up after a while. Giá từ 13.990.000 đ Có tất cả 1 nơi bán 13.990.000 đ. Tới nơi bán. Zeiss used a Distagon optical design for this lens. It's one of two current autofocusing Touit lenses in the E- and X-mounts for the Sony NEX and Fujifilm X-series interchangeable-lens compact cameras, both with APS-C formats. At first, I thought that it might be vignetting, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Key features include: Wide-Angle X-Mount Lens. Read more about me…. If you're here to read about the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 for the Fujifilm X-mount, you've probably heard words like "great", "amazing", "superb", "lovely" and "well damped . Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 in Fuji X-Mount with hood. Seit 2008 ist die Online-Fotokunst-Galerie seen.by ein zentraler Anlaufpunkt für Fotografen. Über 5000 Kreative haben seitdem mehr als 60.000 Bilder in über 30 Genres online gestellt, davon werden über 13.000 zum Kauf angeboten. Anders als andere Aussprachewörterbücher basieren die hier präsentierten Angaben zu großen Teilen auf empirisch gewonnenem Datenmaterial; das Werk steht damit in der Nachfolge des halleschen Großen Wörterbuchs der deutschen Aussprache ... I was finally able to obtain a sample copy of the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 in the summer of 2013, and after testing the lens out for a few months, I decided to return it. Fujifilm X-T4 3.3% Fujifilm X-T3 2.4% Canon EOS R6 2.3% Canon EOS M50 Mark II (EOS Kiss M2) . The AF speed is comparable with the AF speed of the Fujinon XF 18mm f/2 lens - the 18mm lens seems to be a bit faster. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 is a bit of a surprising offering. Im Buch gefundenTIP 13 Zeiss Touit lenses Even though Touit lenses with native X-mount compatibility offer great image quality and work like Fujinon XF lenses, Zeiss tends to be hesitant to support new camera features with lens firmware updates. As a Fujifilm X shooter, being able to use Zeiss lenses natively without any adapters was a blessing, so I welcomed the Touit line of lenses and anxiously waited for these lenses to become available. Harga: ZEISS TOUIT 32mm f1.8 FUJIFILMRp6.000.000: Harga: ZEISS Touit 32mm f/1.8 Lens for FUJIFILM X / ZEISS Touit 32mmRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa ZEISS Touit 32mm f1.8 Lens for FUJIFILM X Mount - Lensa APSCRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa ZEISS Touit 32mm f1.8 Lens for Sony E Mount - Lensa APSCRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 for Sony E . The Zeiss 12mm f2.8 earns the highest marks for nearly everything in our eyes. For that reason, I want to cover my personal experience with the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 in the situations I’ve used it most: environmental portraits, street, travel, landscape, and handheld shots in low light. The Carl Zeiss 12mm F2.8 lens boasts an angle-of-view range similar to that of an 18mm lens in a 35mm system. But even then, it doesn’t get drastically sharper than at f2.8. The Touit 12mm f/2.8 has no image stabilization and neither does my Fuji X-T3, but with a lens this wide, it doesn’t really matter. Zeiss Touit Distagon 12mm 2.8 T* SAVE $800 ON ZEISS TOUIT 32MM/F1.8 + 12MM/F2.8 LENS COMBO. Detailed specifications for the lens, along with MTF charts and other useful data can be found on the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 page of our lens database. Although the 50mm Zeiss Touit aperture ring does feel better, I do not think that the 12mm aperture ring is too loose. Hier ist dein bersichtlicher Wochen- und Terminplaner mit liebevoll gestaltetem Innenleben in s/w f r die Zeit von September 2019 bis Dezember 2020. HOCHWERTIGE NOTIZB CHER F R ANSPRUCHSVOLLE LEUTE!Was du bekommst: Cooles Designs die so nicht im Handel erh ltlich sind! If you're a wide-angle shooter with an NEX or Fuji X camera, the Carl Zeiss Touit 2.8/12 is an appealing . The user of this lens may be the typical Zeiss customer: the higher end that appreciates better build quality and image quality for the money. Once mounted, it feels like it is an extension of the lens, which is nice. The rubber attracts quite a bit of dust overtime which was a bit annoying to clean up when traveling. The Fuji 14mm may be a tad sharper, but there is a wonderful even quality to the way the Zeiss renders which is especially welcome in a very wide angle lens. Of course, we only have pics of Fuji. Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 on camera, $900 in Sony mount and $900 in Fuji mount). Post was not sent - check your email addresses! For the price you pay for this lens, I really wish Zeiss weather sealed it. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Fujifilm XE-1, Zeiss Touit 12mm, ISO 1600, f/2.8, 1/50. By comparison, this is shorter than the Fuji 14mm lens which is equivalent to a 21mm lens with an 89° angle of view. The Zeiss 12mm is similar in size to the Fuji 18-55mm zoom, though there is a flare at the top of the lens to a much wider front element. There isn’t very much from what we can tell. I just wish that the Touit 12mm had the same blue weather sealing gasket as the one found on the Batis lineup of lenses. The Fuji has similar color and contrast, faster autofocus, better manual focus, is slightly sharper, costs $350 less and is smaller to boot.
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